Thursday, May 22, 2014

Meet the Puppies! 3 weeks old.

Not the greatest pictures (they don't come close to showing you their cuteness especially when they're pawing at each other) but we wanted to post a picture of each puppy.  I'll post them by birth order.

First up was yellow girl!  
She's the one with the cropped tail, the biggest of the girls.  Should have posted the tail but I didn't think about it.  Yellow is one of the most adventurous.  She's the only one trying to eat puppy food - she chomps on it & then spits it out.  She's also constantly trying to annoy the other puppies - pawing at them, pushing them over.  Very playful.

Next up was Blue Boy
Blue boy is by far the most vocal of all the dogs.  First to bark, and has been barking & growling ever since, with that cute little tail wagging.  Blue is the most photogenic of all of the pups & definitely the most adventurous.  He is the first to greet you when you come into their room.  Blue has rear dew claws that will need to be removed when he is fixed.  Blue is Theresa's favorite.

3rd : Black Boy!
Black's kind of quiet.  I always see him snuggling up with green.  He may be the smartest or he may have just got lucky, but he has been the only one to escape from our pen.  He was hanging out with his momma across the room pawing at her, wagging his tail and barking.  Little momma's boy.  All the boys are exactly the same weight at this time.

4th : Green girl.
Green is the underdog!  The runt of the litter.  She's very quiet, spends much of her time sleeping or snuggling with black.  Noticed her using her size to her advantage to feed lately though, sneaking in where the bigger dogs won't fit.  Still needs private feedings to keep her weight up but less so.

5th: Orange girl!
Orange is my favorite.  She loves belly rubs, never complains when being handled, will fall asleep in your arms.  You're lucky to see her eyes in this picture, because she's so fuzzy.  She looks like a muppet.  Super playful too, will paw at the other dogs then topple over.  lol

6th : pink girl!
Pink is the second smallest.  She's quiet, reserved, and cuddly.  She was the first to shake her leg when getting belly rubs.  A little lover, always needs to be nestled in between the others.

Finally is White boy.
White is nicknamed Beaker because he sounded like Beaker from the Muppets from the moment he was born.  Less so now, he's fairly vocal, kind of a bully for milk, and a lot of fun to tap his nose (he'll paw back at you everytime.)  He's usually off with blue.

We did our best to get a group picture, this is the best we could do!
Hope you enjoyed meeting the puppies!

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